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IIQ - MySQL DB Download and Install

To download MySQL DB Community Edition (Free) navigate to this link:

Navigate to MSI Installer MySQL 32 bit
This will still install 64-bit version for your Operating System (Windows/Linux/etc.)

MySql should be installed as a service
>service mysqld start

// make a password for the root account
>mysqladmin -u root password '{new_password}'

//Run MySQL as root (You must provide the password):
// -u option must followed by a username and -p must end the line before pressing the ENTER
// the system will ask you to Enter Password
>mysql -u root -p
Enter Password: {new_password}

// create a new schema (database) and grant privileges to a new user
mysql>create database identityiq;
mySql>grant all privileges on *.* to 'identityiq'@'localhost' with grant option;
mySql>show databases;

mysql> show databases;
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| Database |
| information_schema |
| {your DB_name} |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| test |


1. Download and Install MySQL.
2. Follow the instructions to run the Server Daemon and run MySQL as root
3. In the identityiq - unpacked distribution navigate to the database -directory and find the file "create_identityiq_tables-7.1.mysql"
4. Start MySQL in that directory and Enter these two lines to provide data in the identityiq database.
mysql>use identityiq;
mysql>source create_identityiq_tables-7.1.mysql;


1. Download and Install MySQL.
2. Follow the instructions to run the Server Daemon and run MySQL as root
3. In the identityiq - unpacked distribution navigate to the database -directory and find the file "create_identityiq_tables-7.1.mysql"
4. Start MySQL in that directory and Enter these two lines to provide data in the identityiq database.
mysql>use identityiq;
mysql>source create_identityiq_tables-7.1.mysql;

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